Friday, April 15, 2011


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MEDICAL MARIJUANA, this may sound so familiar to your ears when you ask people why are they hooked up with the herb. There have been circulating stories that Marijuana is therapeutic or pallative, but nobody  in the medical field have really owned to that fact. Considered as a harmful drug, Marijuana is known to be the most widely used and the abusers are increasing in number.

An updated posted by @MosbysNursing via twitter caught my attention about MEDICAL MARIJUANA. The article presents a list of states in the U.S., who are allowing the use of marijuana to manage pain, nausea and loss of appetite on americans suffering froms serious life-deteriorating illnesses.
The American Academy of Pain Medicine, released guidelines for the responsibilities in the administration of the the now THERAPEUTIC drug, as published by (I personally highlighted the statements that I think, a nurse can able to deliver independently/collaboratively with the rest of the health team)
  • Know and comply with state laws on medical marijuana.
  • Ensure the physician's medical license and patient's residence are both in a ‘legal' state, with the exception of Oregon and Montana.
  • Establish a bona fide physician-patient relationship before recommending the drug.
  • Disclose risks of medical marijuana, including side effects, drug interactions and effects on preexisting conditions.
  • Follow up and monitor the patient using medical marijuana and modify treatment accordingly.
  • Provide copies of medical records that include a medical marijuana recommendation, rather than completing a separate form or certification.
  • Give specific directions regarding amounts, methods of delivery or time of use.
  • Direct patients to specific dispensaries or other sources of medical marijuana.
  • Confirm a cannabis recommendation with the patient's medical marijuana provider.
LEGAL. Further searching of articles provided a list of countries where use of Marijuana is legalized, decriminalized, depenalized (allows minimal use or private use) or de facto (technically illegal but no arrests are made when used publicly) . They are as follows:

  1. Argentina
  2. Australia (Some of it's states)
  3. Belgium
  4. Brazil
  5. Cambodia
  6. Canada
  7. Costa Rica
  8. Czech Republic
  9. Estonia
  10. Finland (for medical use)
  11. India (least priority)
  12. Iran (if planted and used as food, illegal if used as a drug)
  13. Israel (for medical use)
  14. Mexico
  15. Netherlands
  16. Pakistan (rarely enforced)
  17. Peru (as long as user does not possess any other form of drug)
  18. Portugal
  19. Spain
  20. Uruguay
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Another article published online by published that there were reports that the World Health Organization ommitted some statements proving that Marijuana is even less harmful compared to the legalized Nicotine and Alcohol.
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3RD WORLD. Being a 22 year-old, I have been exposed to the fact that Marijuana as an illegal drug and a harmful substance for almost 12 years, and this update really caught my attention. It's like changing the way you see life for so long, it's like a change of faith or belief, that you begin to question if there are still things that you follow that may not really be true at all. I hope that this article reached the National Health Offices of the different asian countries. I wanted a reaction from our local Philippined Department of Health regarding this medical update and hope to have my questions answered. I will be posting another blog, if my e-mails to DOH and Sen. Pia Cayetano will recieve any response.



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